A través de los años he administrado mi peso de manera fácil. Ahora que estoy más viejo, se me hace más difícil. Pero es mi peso, es mi barriga. Y ahí entra lo del párrafo anterior.
A nadie le voy a reprimir sus comentarios sobre mi fisionomía, pero como que ya jarta. Es tiempo de que escriba sobre ello para dejar claro que estoy en paz con mi barriga.
...y ahora estoy en paz conmigo mismo. Ok? ok.
Pues como dije en mi opinion acerca de tu articulo sobre religion, todos somos jueces de comportamiento, apariencia y estado economico, de una forma u otra. Lo que pasa es que unos tienen un sentido de tacto y maneras sociales mas pobres que otros, and don't keep their opinions to themselves (perdone my spanglish).
ReplyDeleteNo creas que es cuerda o enfado, porque los que hablaron me quieren mucho. Es solo informandoles que estoy bien, que me siento bien, que no tengo problemas ocn mi barriga. Es todo.
ReplyDeleteEntendido. Pero date cuenta que el juzgar, de la manera de la que mencionas, es mas sobre caracter que sobre apariencias, and I find that it doesn't fit quite well. Anyway, arriba con la barriga!
ReplyDeleteTOUCHÉ, Indy... touché!
ReplyDeleteJL, one last rant on this subject:
ReplyDeleteEven though you say you are not offended by those unwelcome comments about your waist size, to the extent of excusing the behavior of those uttering such comments on the basis that they love you, that is not the way to show love: so because I love you, I can criticize your appearance? It is insensitive, tactless and socially unacceptable. What is this, a Paulino thing or a Dominican thing? Does love act like the LOL acronym by softening the insults? (Refer to Indy's blog, "LOL!: The duct tape of online conversation") If a person doesn't have anything nice to say without being insincere, he/she should not say anything at all. A simple "Good to see you!" would suffice.
B: Word! So true. But I guess that's a dominican thing: either you take the insult, or you're labeled as overly sensitive (or is it really a Paulino thing? Ummm...) It never crosses people's minds that some things they say can actually be hurtful. Perhaps you could get away with it the first time, pero llega un momento en que tanto pellizcan el mismo chin de piel que ya esas vainas "jartan", like JL points out.
ReplyDeleteWell said.
ReplyDeleteI usually point out people's mistakes and lack of tact. But these comments were made from my people. Love is never to have to say I'm sorry or I forgive you. (wao, that sounded gaudy) Therefore, I just informed the people I love, that I am fine; and their point was dully noted but ignored.
ReplyDeleteI have spoken to you both on things that might have been on the edge of meddling on your personal lives. I hope you've got the fact, that I was not judging but triggering your interest in self reviewing something unbecoming to you or my image of you. I hope that you understand my lack of tact as being motivated by love rather than just "morbo Dominicano or Paulinesco".
Those family who have gone beyond that are just ignored.
biem dicho
ReplyDeleteUaooooooooooo I just noticed all this comments..all this back and forward messages for a simple barriguita?... Now I wondered when should we say something about a FB post?..you never know when a person can get offended..In my case I just really don't pay attention to any negative opinions and most if they are coming from the people I love, I know every time they do, they do it only to make a joke, so we can laught as cousins not because we want to hurt somebody feelings.. I mean at list that's the way it comes from my side...I love you cousinsssssssssss!....see yaaaaa!
ReplyDeleteJL - Love is never to have to say "I'm sorry" or "I forgive you"? I don't think so. We are all humans and make mistakes, and if I make a mistake and later wholeheartedly apologize to you y tu no me quieres perdonar, then a) you never really loved me, or b) my mistake was so big that it was unforgivable, or c) it's not the first time I do it. Furthermore, if you feel you have to say that you're sorry at least that means that you value the person who you're saying to and hope they keep talking to you. I'd like to meet the person that never has to say "I'm sorry"!
ReplyDeleteMax - I admire your sparkly personality! Nothing bad sticks to you girl! To' te resbala!